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General Assembly


EFCEM General Assembly 2023

The EFCEM General Assembly 2023 will be held on 14th June 2023 in Paris.

The General Assembly 2023 will be hosted by SYNEG and will be preceeded by a dinner cruise on the River Seine on 13th June.

The meeting will be held with representatives from all 10 national member associations


EFCEM General Assembly

The EFCEM General Assembly was held on 10th October 2014 in Brussels.

The General Assembly was preceeded by a dinner held on 9th October.

During the dinner, speeches were held by:

Mr. Davide Polverini, Policy Officer  European Commission-DG Enterprise and Industry, on "Development in the ecodesign/energy efficiency policies: the new Regulations on ecodesign and energy labelling of professional refrigerators and freezers"

Mrs. Sigrid Linher, Energy and Environment Manager ORGALIME, on "Past, present and future of ecodesign/energy efficiency policies: the view of the Industry"