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The Compliance Template for professional refrigerated storage cabinets

The Energy Label Framework  requires that suppliers have to register products that bear an EU Energy Label in an EU Product Registry called EPREL.

The template is in an Excel file developed according to Art 12.5 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1369, which allows for directly inserting the respective values (in Column E, fields marked in light blue). It could then be transformed into a PDF-file by means of well-known software tools. 

The resulting PDF-file would contain – if filled out correctly – the technical information as required in Art 12(a)-(f) of Regulation 2017/1369. It could be then uploaded to EPREL:

- through the graphical web interface to EPREL

- by inserting it as annex to an XML-file, join both in a ZIP-file and uploading that ZIP-file manually

- by uploading (when made available by the Commission) the Zip-file by means of a system to system interface.

In all these cases reference to Article 12.5 has to be made (eg in the web interface by checking the boxes for mandatory upload for Art 12(a),(b),(c),(d),(e),(f))