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EFCEM in 2025: key events and dates for Working Groups


In 2024, the EFCEM board established Working Groups (WGs) to address the subjects of BIM & Connectivity (WG1&4) and the Environment (WG2). They join two other WGs, which respectively address Health, Safety & Water (WG3) and Marketing (WG5).


The contributions of these different WGs ensure that ECFCEM is the only trade association offering the catering sector impartial guidance as well as informed insight into the future of the industry.


A good recent example is the role that EFCEM members played in supporting members in securing a temporary exemption to certain types of refrigeration equipment covered by new EU regulations covering F-gases, due to come into force on 1 January 2025. In this instance the collaborative work of WG2 proved to be particularly influential.


“The exemption that we and our partners have managed to secure ensures that equipment that is vital to many parts of the foodservice sector can remain available while alternatives are developed,” said EFCEM member Andy Threlfall, technical and policy director at FEA. The implementing regulation will be published soon in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).


2025 will see the Federation focus on several pressing areas of legislation through its WGs, focusing on what matters most: meaningful outcomes for EFCEM members.


How to join a WG


EFCEM encourages its members to become actively involved in all the EFCEM working groups. Members of EFCEM are entitled to nominate a technical expert to join the working groups to discuss matters pertinent to the industry at a European level. These working groups meet at least twice a year – virtually – and can last up to two hours. 


EFCEM invites its members to nominate a technical expert best placed to take part in any of the working groups below.


Nomination requests should be emailed to the WG Convenor. Please include the following points in your email:


(Please note that members can nominate only one person from each member company for each working group. If they cannot attend any meetings, they may request a colleague to attend on their behalf).


  • Subject line “Request to join EFCEM WG*****” please state which group(s) you wish to be added to.
  • State the member company they will be representing.
  • State the name and email address of the person being nominated.
  • State their job title and a brief description of their roles within your company and relevant experience/qualifications.


All nominations received will be reviewed and confirmed by email once approved to join the WGs.


WG meeting dates


The below list details each WG and the dates of the next scheduled meetings. Click here to download.